The reason you lose money on bet365


This is serious because there are people that are literally losing their houses because their gambling habits are out of control.

Here are some of the reasons for losing your money;

#1 You are not experienced & professional


The first reason why you could be losing money on bet 365 is that you’re not a part of bet365. What do I mean by that? Let me explain!

A lot of people like to put betting into their own hands but they don’t really understand what it is to bet. It’s more than just saying, “okay raptors are playing the bets today bets are better let’s go next”.

No, it’s more than that. So sometimes it doesn’t hurt to put that investment into a professional and see what they’re doing differently than you.

In short, you’re not giving the chance to a professional to make you some money. The concepts go much deeper than your thoughts, so it’s better to have guidance from a professional.

#2 You’re doing too many parlays

It’s probably the biggest reason why I think people lose money. Parlay is when you put more than one game together.

For example, you put three teams — the Yankees, the Blue Jays, and the Raptors all in one ticket. That would be considered a parlay.

Those are very difficult to hit because you need all the games to win money.

It might look good to you. Your eyes might like the payout and here you slip on the wrong path. When you are making a ticket you have gotta ask yourself — Do you really like the teams? or Do you like what it pays?

A lot of people just like what it pays and that’s how you lose the best way to make money. The point is to find a game you really love and put a good amount of money on that game because a parlay might be able to pay you a thousand bucks but if you lose one game, all your investment is completely gone.

Just take your favorite game! I’m not saying you don’t have to do parley. I know parley keeps the blood rushing, you’re into a bunch of games, but make sure you secure yourself by putting some money on your favorite game.

#3 Not putting enough money to cover your losses

Another reason now why you might be losing money is you’re not putting in enough money to cover your losses.

Sounds peculiar but what I mean is let’s say, you lose 50 bucks to start your week on Monday. The next day you win but you only win 30 bucks. Now you’re putting that 30 bucks to win the next day.

You have to find that number you’re comfortable losing. Also when you win it’s worth the win. If you’re able to put a good amount of money down and you can win 500, then the next day you might lose 100 bucks.

The day after you might use 100 bucks you’re still up 300 bucks. Not everyone is able to bet like this because you’d have to be higher but these are the ways that you could really profit.

Make sure you’re covering your losses by winning more than you lose. That should be your goal right.

#4 Be patient & consistent


Here’s the last point that’s extremely important. When you are up and making tons of money winning, you have to know to take it easy still. Why? Because people win and they profit up to a thousand dollars. Now, all of a sudden they get money to blow and end up losing their money.

It might take a week to make that money but you can lose it all within a day.

The more money that you’ve made, you should actually start picking it a little bit easier and playing smarter bets. You’re up and you don’t need to be taking these hail marys anymore.

When you’re at a good stage, you should actually be getting smarter. You could bet a little bit more since you’re up, but take your favorite games guys.

The Final Verdict

Overall, gambling on bet365 or also known as 365bet is a risky game until you are aware of the right strategies to turn the tables. Make sure to wrap all the four crucial points explained to you in this post while you place your bet on the bet365. Out of these points, the most vital one to keep in your head is to choose the game which you hold on your fingertips as it increases the chances of your winning and minimizes the loss cutoff.